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Grow Your Spiritual Faith


How are you my brothers and sisters. May I be your guiding light from your inner conflicts and your personal dark times. I have faith in you, as our Heavenly Father does to.



"My Spiritual Breath"

"Life at Conception"


"God's Spiritual Love"

Minister Allen Marina

The Foundation of my Spiritual Church

Love, Life, & Faith

    God provided Moses with the 10 commandments. Jesus his son, the mortal version of God, established christianity through his greatest act of selflessness, his own life. Jesus was put on a cross and killed because he was such a pure man with the spiritual love of God. God gave his own son to us and saved us from eternal damnation. Through Jesus, Gods grace was laid upon the human race. I am here to bring together all christianity and to reintroduce the basic foundations of christianity. My spiritual christianity church is built on the foundation of the 10 commandments. This new faith has no boundaries limiting who will enter Heaven and who won't. All will be welcome into Heaven because God understands the torment his creations have inflicted on themselves and on each other. To be human is to be imperfect. To the greatest of sinners, you will be put in jail, locked up, and Gods hope is that while you're here on Earth, you will repent and find your way back to him. For those afflicted by the actions of another's hate, Gods love is aways there within you. Find the strength to overcome your own struggles because you are loved by God and his spiritual love is in you. The kindness, the forgiveness, the love is there. Find it within yourself and rise like a phoenix does from its own ashes. You are valued by God, value your self because God has never left you. He has been carrying you through your darkest of times.


    This Church is not a business. It is a representation of God's Spiritual love and its purpose is to provide any donations it receives to fund programs that will give food, shelter, and clothing to the less fortunate. This new spiritual church will introduce kindness, love, and faith back into the children of God. We are setting an example through helping today's youth reestablish the core values of the 10 commandments. Anyone is welcome, everyone is cared for. We all have our heavenly fathers breath of life in our hearts. We are all part of God, the only difference is our mortal shells and the  experiences that build us into the form God sees us growing into. Have faith in yourself and you will be the version God already knows you to be; a beautiful human butterfly. The love of God resides in all our spiritual hearts, the strongest part of our body.

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